
Setting the Scene

  • The vast majority of offices and factories do not have cafeterias, posing a challenge for providing food options to employees.

  • Here’s why:

    • Rising labor costs make profitable food operations increasingly difficult.

    • Limited space restricts setting up traditional cafeterias.

    • Ensuring food compliance with health regulations increases complexity and expenses.

  • This week’s company leverages self-checkout kiosks and AI video tracking to serve food with minimal labor costs.

In a Sentence

Rito uses AI-powered kiosks to offer fresh, affordable meals to enhance accessibility and reduce costs.

  • Kiosks: Rito's kiosks, which come in two types—one storing refrigerated meals and another as a smart cafe—manage inventory, track sales, and monitor food quality with minimal human intervention, ensuring efficient and hygienic service.

  • Costs: Rito takes advantage of lower restaurant prices during off-peak hours to purchase food in bulk at a significant discount, and its automated features reduce labor costs, allowing the company to offer fresh meals at affordable prices.

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Bulleted Version:

  • Imagine an ATM but for food, where you can select, heat, and enjoy a fresh meal on the spot.

The Basics

  • Headquarters: Austin, Texas
  • Employee Count: 3
  • Investors:

    8VC, Asymmetry Ventures, various angels

  • Funding amount: $1 million
  • Business model: Buy food in bulk from restaurants during off-peak hours at 50-60% discount and sell food at original price through smart cafes and kiosks
  • Early traction: $1.4M ARR, in 40 locations, 95% annual retention, cash flow positive, early clients include Tesla, UT Austin, AMD, St. David’s, and Firefly Aerospace

Due Dilligence


  • Market Opportunity: Only 18% of offices currently have cafeterias, indicating significant potential for growth in this space to provide alternative meal solutions.

  • Mutually Beneficial: By sourcing food from restaurants during off-peak hours, Rito offers competitively priced meals while supporting local restaurants with additional revenue during slow periods.

  • Labor Cost Reduction: Rito's AI-powered kiosks minimize labor costs by reducing the need for full-time staff, addressing rising operational costs and providing affordable food service to offices and factories.


  • Market Defensibility: Since Rito leverages existing technology, competitors could potentially replicate the business model before they establish a strong market presence.

  • Incumbent Contracts: Incumbents like Aramark and Sodexo hold long-term, exclusive contracts with large corporations, making it difficult for new entrants like Rito to penetrate these accounts without strategic partnerships.

  • Food Safety and Liability: Ensuring all meals meet food safety standards is critical, especially since they are prepped in advance, posing significant liability risks that could damage the company's reputation.


Founder Profiles

Why Rito

  • Rito feeds an industry need with AI-powered kiosks, sourcing cost-efficient meals during off-peak restaurant hours to provide a solution for offices and factories.